Personal Post!
Today I’ve decided to share one of my personal interests with you guys. I was raised in a spiritual household, with open beliefs about the spiritual realm and its possibilities. It was only recently when a friend of mine shared an interest in crystals that I really began to feel a spark of curiosity toward crystals beyond their beauty and aesthetic appeal.
Within a few weeks I'd acquired one sun catcher (amethyst), two rings (unknown stones), an amethyst geode, a crystal tree and two bracelets (smoky quartz and obsidian with gold ribbon). While my knowledge is still extremely limited, I've always been interested in Wicca and similar practices that utilise the magic in nature.
Since I learnt that I had Romani Gypsy ancestry I've wanted to develop my knowledge on these subjects. With my friend’s market stall and wares, as well as a dedicated crystal and wellbeing shop opening near me in the weeks leading up to Christmas, I added to my crystal collection and purchased a few books to guide me in the interest.
I believe in the spiritual, and I believe in things that most people would snicker at. I've always believed in an afterlife, and that we can interact with it, even if it’s improbable or unbelievable to most.
Regardless of their legitimacy, crystals provide me the feeling that I have some control over my emotions and environment. Crystals have meanings and uses, some to calm, some to protect, to remove negative emotions, etc. Utilising these meanings gives me the sense of control, amplification or minimisation of certain aspects of my life.
Whether or not this is a placebo effect or the true power of nature (also mentioned in mythology), I wanted to share my interest with my readers to maybe spark some interest in you, let you get to know me better and/or judge me harshly. Your choice.