This one’s for all my fellow writers in the throes of either rejection or poor reviews. Every work, even the most renowned and revered, has its critics. It's something we, as writers, deal with more than most people, the rejection and criticism of readers, publishers, agents, beta readers, even family and friends at times. You need to know when to listen to the critics and when to trust your gut about your writing.
It's a fine line to walk, a tightrope with a wide expanse of desolation below you. No safety net. No safety harness. When receiving feedback or rejection, we have to constantly analyse whether or not to accept it, to ignore it, to give up or trudge on in pursuit of our published work. It's why many authors leave feedback and querying as long as possible, if ever. It's daunting, no doubt.
It's wise to consider each piece of feedback individually as well as collectively. If there’s a recurring piece of critique, that may be something you need to look into. However, each beta reader, purchased reader or agent is a single person, their opinions and critiques do not necessarily reflect those of every reader. We cannot please everyone, and we must remain true to ourselves and to our stories. We must shape and mold our works instinctively and honestly without being swayed by every judgement or critique thrown our way.